Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Packing my Bags!

As I write this, I am in the midst of the throes of packing. My apartment probably appears to outsiders like someone ransacked it, with the way things are scattered everywhere as I work through the process of both packing to leave for study abroad and also packing up everything I own to store in a friend's garage. I'm at the point, where I'm both super excited, incredibly stressed, and still slightly terrified. While reading this new book that I bought, Tiny Beautiful Things by Cheryl Strayed though, I came to the conclusion that it is okay to be terrified. It's all part of the whole package deal that this adventure brings, and the fact that I am scared does not change the fact that I can do this, and it is going to be wonderful and amazing. I can live with the fear and still continue to stuff my red travel backpack and put everything else into boxes. I can do this. T-minus 23 days!

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